It’s no secret that Facebook is heavily focused on improving the content of its News Feed. The company has made a number of recent announcements around the News Feed, not to mention that it’s running several tests, too.

When Facebook recently announced its focus on high-quality content in the News Feed, the explanation of that new algorithm mentioned that it started with user surveys: (emphasis added)

While the goal of News Feed is to show high quality posts to people, we wanted to better understand what high quality means. To do this we decided to develop a new algorithm to factor into News Feed. To develop it, we first surveyed thousands of people to understand what factors make posts from Pages high quality.

What’s in these surveys that Facebook does to help it decide what to show in the News Feed? One of our Third Door Media staffers was invited to complete a News Feed survey on Monday, and the full set of questions is shown below.

This survey asked questions that were primarily about advertiser and brand content in the News Feed — with an apparent focus on how much is too much. If you’re a brand or marketer that’s active on Facebook, seeing how Facebook tries to gauge user interest in News Feed content can offer valuable insight to guide your own efforts there.